If you have not done so already, please attempt to reset the password to your account by selecting the "Forgot your password?" link that appears above the Password field. Entering the email address you use to log in to Facebook on the next page will cause a new password to be sent to that address.
If you still cannot access your account or you believe that your account is still compromised, please reply to this email to verify that you are the owner of the hacked account that you referenced in your Facebook support inquiry. Please also confirm that you own the email address from which you are currently writing and that it is not associated with an existing Facebook account. This security step must be completed before Facebook can assist you further.
In the meantime, do not create another account using this or any other email address. Doing so may increase the time needed to resolve the issue.
Finally, please provide a brief description of the issue you are experiencing. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
The Facebook Team
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