31 May 2018

Get inspired for great things!

Dear Septian,

Here at WGU we're inspired every day by the incredible things our students and grads do, both at school and in their lives outside the university.

We're excited to showcase some of these exceptional stories, starting with Connie Washington—a record-breaking NCAA champion sprinter.

We hope you'll be inspired, and inspired to share with your family, friends and colleagues.

And don't forget, you're part of the WGU community too! We want to hear about your journey! Take a minute to check out and share Connie's story, then use social media to tell us yours.

Use #ShareWGU

We hope you enjoy watching Connie's adventure and can't wait to hear yours!

#ShareWGU - Get inspired by student success stories and find ways to share your own!

#ShareWGU - Get inspired by student success stories and find ways to share your own!
#ShareWGU - Get inspired by student success stories and find ways to share your own!


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