14 May 2020

Afraid of math, Septian?

Western Governors University
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WGU: Ambition Never Rests


Dear Septian,

  Name:___________________      Date:________
Math Quiz
  1.   Solve for X.

There are two types of people in the world: those who look at this equation and grin, and those who look and cringe. Which are you?

Those who cringe at math:
We get it. Mathemaphobia (aka fear of math) is a real thing. Math doesn't come naturally for many people even though it's an essential part of our world. And at WGU, a math course is often an essential part of a degree.

But don't worry! Thousands of WGU students have passed their math classes and earned their degrees despite their mathemaphobia! And using these resources, we know that you can do it too.

Those who grin at math:
Here's a quick word problem: You're looking to earn your MBA, but need to find the right college. On average, tuition for most colleges is $700 for each of their 30 courses. Tuition for WGU is $4,325 per 6-month term. If your previous field experience helps you graduate in two years, how much money will you save by attending WGU? 18 months? 1 year? Do the math.

Apply for Scholarships
Best regards,

Robin Hamilton
Enrollment Counselor
(866) 225-5948 x 7834

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